Sunday 31 October 2010

In Memory Of….

Dear friends this is just a quick note.

By the miracle of modern technology in general and Facebook in particular, I’ve recently been able to get back in touch with people that I went to both Primary and Secondary school with. 

A few days ago somebody that I went to Primary School with posted our Primary 4 and Primary 5 class photographs and tagged as many people as he could remember names for.  This then led to those of us that he’d tagged proceeding to chip in and tag or name others that we remembered.  It was great seeing those pictures from our childhood, over 25 years ago.

During these back-and-forth exchanges with people I’ve learned some very sad news which is that two of the people in those pictures have passed away.  For that reason I wanted to dedicate this blog to the memories of not only Andy and Mariyam, but also the other people that I’ve been privileged to know over the years who are no longer with us.

Rest in peace dear friends & family